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Faculty Professional Development
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Rochelle Weiser
Office of Professional Development - Training Assistant
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30-4:00pm
Phone: (619) 644-7364


Webinars and Online Learning Opportunities

The following are, on-demand and live desktop webinars that can be used to satisfy Faculty Professional Development Obligation. 

Student Learning Outcomes
This is an online workshop provided by the Grossmont College SLO Coordinator and contains three modules: 1) An overview of SLOs, 2) How to write an SLO, and 3) Assessing an SLO.

The SLO modules are done in Blackboard; when you click on the link below you will be asked to log into Blackboard, you will see previous Blackboard courses and the SLO modules, click on the SLO module and you can access the workshop. Three hours of credit are available upon completion.

To access the SLO module - Click Here

Be sure to do the completion quiz and attach it to the Professional Development contract. For Professional Development Forms - Click Here

M2C3 Minority Male Community College Collaborative Webinars - The Minority Male Community College Collaborative (M2C3) is a national research and practice center of CCEAL that partners with community colleges to support their capacity in advancing outcomes for men of color. The center has partnered with more than 100 community colleges across the nation to better understand challenges and design institutional interventions focused on these men. M2C3 has developed rigorously validated tools for assessing institutional efforts and outcomes relevant to men of color. These instruments include the Community College Survey of Men (CCSM), Community College Student Success Inventory (CCSSI), Community College Insights Protocol (CCIP), Male Program Assessment for College Excellence (M-PACE), and the Community College Instructional Development Inventory (CC-IDI). M2C3 houses the National Consortium on College Men of Color (NCCMC) which host trainings, information sharing sessions, and provides resources to colleges with initiatives and programs supporting college men of color.  Click here to visit the The National Consortium on College Men of Color (NCCMC) website to access the webinar page link located in the upper right hand corner.

Professional Learning Network - In support of the Student Success Task Force recommendations the State Chancellors Office has created the Professsional Learning Network, a resource available to all employees of the California Community Colleges.  The Professional Learning Network gives faculty and staff the opportunity to learn, share and collaborate in an online environment. Click Here to explore the Professional Learning Network.

Kognito -Kognito is designed to educate our faculty, staff, and students about best practices in supporting (1) students who struggle with psychological distress including depression and suicidal ideation, (2) LGBTQ students who are struggling due to harassment or exclusion, and (3) student veterans who are facing challenges in adjusting to college life. For the Kognito Online Campus - Click Here

Student Mental Health - The CCC SMHP is a partnership between the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) and the Foundation for Community Colleges (FCCC). An interdisciplinary advisory group, named the Chancellor’s Office Advisory Group on Student Mental Health (COAGSMH) has been established to provide guidance and input on the CCC SMHP. The utilization of distance learning tools is an integral part of the technical assistance and training services. As part of the CCC SMHP TTA Project, webinars on relevant topics will be offered and marketed to the CCC system on a regular basis. Registration: Click here






Last Updated: 04/06/2017


Rochelle Weiser
Office of Professional Development - Training Assistant
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30-4:00pm
Phone: (619) 644-7364

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