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Daniela Sow |°| Karl Sherlock
CWP Co-Coordinators
Email: |°|


Acknowledgments and Festival Sponsors

The Creative Writing Program at Grossmont College is generously supported and sponsored by a variety of organizations and programs that, over the years, have helped to make our Literary Arts Festivals a reality, one of which is the Foundation for Grossmont and Cuyamaca Colleges.

Foundation Giving buttonWe invite you to use the "Donate" button at left to make a secure, tax deductible contribution to The Foundation on behalf of the Creative Writing Program. Your support helps us to achieve excellence in our literary events and our Program mission.



This year's Literary Arts Festival is made possible because of the collaboration, planning, volunteerism, and support of the many individuals and agencies. Though we can't name them all, here are a few deserving special recognition:
  • The Foundation for Grossmont and Cuyamaca Colleges, and the generous patrons of the Creative Writing Fund
  • Agustin Albarran, Dean of English and Social/Behavioral Sciences
  • Lorena Ruggero, Dir. College and Community Relations
  • CW Program faculty Daniela Sow, Julie Cardenas, Ryan Griffith, Karl Sherlock and Rich Farrell
  • Latin@ Alliance
  • Puente Project
  • Denise Robertson, Coordinator, Disabled Students and Programs Services 
  • ASL interpreters
  • Chancellor Dr. Cindy Miles
  • President Nabil Abu-Ghazaleh, Ed.D. 
  • English Dept. Chair, Dr. Oralee Holder
  • MaryAnn Landry, Administrative Assistant
  • Joel Lopez & Kurt Brauer, Facilities, Maintenance and Custodial Services
  • Business and Communication Services
  • Holly Phan and the entire Printing Dept.
  • Dave Steinmetz and Ryan Cline of Instructional Media Services
  • Participants, sponsors, and contributors to the 2017 Creative Write-a-Thon
  • student volunteers
These sponsoring organizations and programs have helped to make the 22nd Annual Literary Arts Festival a reality:

American Federation of Teachers (AFT), Local 1931
Associated Students of Grossmont College
Creative Writing Program of Grossmont College
The Foundation for Grossmont and Cuyamaca Colleges
Grossmont College English Department
Grossmont-Cuyamaca College District
Poets and Writers
World Arts and Cultures Committee of Grossmont College


Last Updated: 01/18/2018


Daniela Sow |°| Karl Sherlock
CWP Co-Coordinators
Email: |°|

  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District