Student Services Program Review Calendar:Student Services Program Review has completed the 2017-2019 cycle as of June 2019. The process, template, and handbook will be reviewed and updated during the 2019-2020 academic year in preparation for the next 6-year review cycle.
Meetings: 1st and 4th Thursdays from 10:00am-11:30am in the College Conference Room.
Aaron Starck: Dean - Admissions & Records and Financial Aid
Barbara Gallego: Supervisor - Financial Aid
Christine Ho: Counselor - A.R.C.
Carl Fielden: Instructor - English, Counselor - A.R.C.
Veronica Romero: Supervisor - General Counseling
Maria De La Cruz: Program Specialist - EOPS
Alexis Lytle: Grad Coach
Shardai Zaragoza: Grad Coach
Graylin Clavell: Administrative Assistant to the VPSS, Recorder for SSPRC
Resource/Advisory Members
Catherine Webb: CPIE Dean
Joan Ahrens: SLO Consulting Dean
Felicia Kalker: SLO Coordinator
Bonnie Ripley: Data Liaison
Rochelle Weiser: Professional Development
Purpose: Collaborative peer review of all Grossmont College Student Services, intended to support programs and departments in their efforts to identify and respond to the needs of students and the campus.
Values: Peer reviewers make a commitment to integrity, professionalism, efficient use of time and resources, positive feedback, and honest critique.
SSPR Outcomes:
Programs will reflect on and document their history, services, members, goals, outcomes, campus partnerships, and needs.
Programs will receive feedback in the form of Commendations and Recommendations to identify areas of strength and growth.
The SSPR process will contribute to campus planning and resource allocation decisions.
Program Review Documents - 2017-2019 Cycle
Last Updated: 06/25/2019
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