Improve your competence in writing short expository and argumentative compositions.
Develop critical thinking and reading skills in response to various forms of writing.
Write prose that conforms to the conventions of English spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Learn to revise, edit, and improve your own writing.
To meet these goals, my English 110 course is primarily an English writing workshop with an emphasis on the relationship between reading and writing, the process of writing and revision, and the importance of students as their own best teachers and critics.
The Bedford Reader
Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of Tranquility, Patricia Santana
Composition notebook for journal
Recommended: A Writer's Reference, Diana Hacker
ESSAYS. You will be required to write several short essays as well as one mini research paper. Five of these essays will be written outside of class; two will be written in class. All due dates will be listed on the class schedule.
ESSAY GRADES. Each essay will receive a letter grade. You may revise two of the essays you submit this semester. Only the higher grade for each of the two essays you revise will be recorded. Due dates for these revisions will be on the class schedule. Revisions can only be submitted for those essays originally turned in on time.
DUE DATE POLICY. All work is due on the assigned date at the beginning of class. If you arrive late to class, your essay is considered late as well. If, upon returning to my office or mailbox once class is over and I find your essay, it will be considered late. You are allowed to turn in one late essay without penalty (within one week of the original due date). After that, if an essay is not handed in on time, your grade for that assignment will be lowered by one letter. Failure to submit any assigned essay will result in an “F” for that assignment
ALL out-of-class papers must be typed, double-spaced, with one inch margins on all sides. Refer to style sheet for further guidelines. Unstapled work will not be accepted.
ALWAYS make a xerox copy for yourself. Always give me the original.
PLAGIARISM occurs when a student steals and uses the ideas and/or writings or another as his or her own. The college prohibits this act, and students caught engaging in plagiarism may be dropped from the class as well as expelled from the college. All acts of plagiarism are dealt with in a serious manner.
READING. Reading is an essential part of this course, and you will be doing a lot of it. You will be expected to complete all reading assignments prior to the start of class, and you should be prepared to discuss these readings.
JOURNAL. Bring your journal to every class meeting. Your journal is a place to explore what you think and feel, an internal dialogue between you and your inner thoughts, a place to write responses to articles you have read, and a source for essays. Frequently journal writing will be done in class. Sometimes I will provide you with a journal prompt, and quite often I will ask you to respond to various pieces of writing. You will be asked to write in your journal at least three times a week. On each entry please indicate the week and entry number. For example: Week 7, entry #3.
HOMEWORK EXERCISES. You may be required to complete frequent homework exercises, prompted by class handouts, in order to sharpen your skills in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
READ-AROUNDS. Read-arounds provide an audience for your writing and an opportunity to sharpen your critical skills; they are one of the most important parts of this course. Each student will bring a completed rough draft, along with four xeroxed copies of the draft, to each read-around. There will be several read-arounds during the semester. Failure to participate in a read-around, unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor, will result in the final grade of the essay due that day being lowered by one letter grade.
PARTICIPATION. Participation is an essential part of your grade. Your questions, comments, and ideas are the course. I expect everyone to be actively involved in the class. Your participation grade will be determined by your involvement in in-class activities and assignments, your preparation for read-arounds, and your contributions to class discussions.
ATTENDANCE. Because much of your writing will be done in class, regular attendance is essential. You may be absent three times without penalty. If you are absent more than three times, I may drop you from the class. It is essential that you arrive to class on time. Two late arrivals will equal one absence.
ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATIONS. Students with disabilities who may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to notify the instructor and contact Disabled Student Services & Programs (DSP&S) early in the semester so that reasonable accommodations may be implemented as soon as possible. Students may contact DSP&S in person in room 110 or by phone at (619) 644-7112 or (619) 644-7119 (TTY for deaf).
Essays (seven) 70%
Journal 10%
In-Class assignments and other homework exercises 10%
Participation 10%
Last Updated: 09/25/2014
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