Counselors can help you with:
Stephanie Barnes | Narges Heidari | |
Lynn Gardner | Marissa Lizarraga |
Please find the link in Bryan's emails you receive every month to sign up to meet with a counselor. These are the instructions once you have found the link.
You will need your Student ID number and your birthdate in the MMDDYYYY format. If you do not see any appointments available, they are all booked. New appointments will be available every Monday. (Updated June 25, 2020)
In the comments section, please put your questions you want answered, major, and if you are transferring and to where.
To find your Student ID Number, you will need to log into your WebAdvisor, go to Academic History, click submit and it should be in the top left.
These are the times that a counselor will be available to schedule.
The eAdvising, online quick question service for current students, link will be in the monthly emails from Bryan starting July. Please refer to that email with the instructions below to ask your question.
You will need your Student ID Number and then your birthdate (MMDDYYYY format) to sign in.
After you sign in, you will see box, click on continue, then Ask A Question to ask your question.
This service will be tracked so that any counselor available will be able to answer your question.
Please choose a topic that you have a question about, and then ask your question and click the submit button when finished.
When your question is answered, you will receive an email that your question has been answered.
Keep in mind that it may be quicker than making a 1 hour appointment, but your questions will only be answered when a counselor is scheduled to be working.
Location: Administration & Student Services Building Room 10-161
Summer Semester Hours:
Mon-Thurs: 8am - 6pm
Fri-Sun: Closed
Phone: (619) 644-7841
Fax: (619) 644-7863
8800 Grossmont College Drive
El Cajon, California 92020
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